Scrum vs. XP vs. Kanban - Which Agile Methodology Should You Use and Why

October 06, 2021

Scrum vs. XP vs. Kanban - Which Agile Methodology Should You Use and Why

Agile development methodologies have been widely adopted by software development teams worldwide to deliver high-quality software products. Some of the most popular Agile methodologies in practice today are Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), and Kanban.

If you are new to Agile, it can be overwhelming to choose between these three methodologies. In this blog post, we will compare Scrum vs. XP vs. Kanban, their differences, advantages, disadvantages and help you pick the right approach for your project.


Scrum is an iterative and incremental framework that is focused on teamwork, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. It divides the work into small, manageable tasks, and each iteration ends with the delivery of a functional product increment. The Scrum framework consists of three primary roles- Scrum Master, Development Team, and Product Owner.

Advantages of Scrum

  • Quick progress: Scrum allows for rapid feedback, continuous integration, and fast delivery of product increments.
  • Predictable outcomes: Scrum's framework ensures that feedback is taken into consideration and actioned in the next sprint improving team productivity and ensuring predictable outcomes.
  • Improved communication: Scrum allows for improved communication throughout the project, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goal.

Disadvantages of Scrum

  • Lack of detail: Scrum is agile, and therefore, it can lack in-depth detail, making some team members uncomfortable.
  • Lack of a structured approach: Scrum is not framework-heavy, and there is no default plan that could be followed, making the transition difficult for teams used to a more traditional approach.
  • Not good for smaller teams: Scrum teams need clear communication, collaboration, and attention to detail that can be challenging for smaller teams with limited resources.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) is an Agile methodology that focuses on software engineering practices, customer satisfaction, and teamwork. XP involves continuous code reviews, testing, and the delivery of small, functional increments in a short period. Its core values are communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage.

Advantages of XP

  • Improved product quality: XP emphasizes testing, code reviews, and continuous integration, resulting in more stable software applications with fewer defects.
  • Flexibility: XP encourages teams to make decisions together, collaborate frequently, and adapt to changing requirements resulting in more agility and the ability to add or modify requirements without derailing the team’s progress.
  • Clear and concise requirements: XP's focus on communication allows teams to precisely define and prioritize project requirements, resulting in a more functional product for end-users.

Disadvantages of XP

  • Steep learning curve: XP has a high learning curve and requires a team to understand engineering practices deeply, making it hard for newcomers to get on board.
  • Limited scalability: XP is not ideal for large teams or projects, because of its emphasis on frequent communication, coordination, and direct interaction.
  • Code refactoring: Although beneficial to the codebase, can also be time-consuming, causing flakiness and occasional instability of existing features.


Kanban is an Agile methodology that emphasizes continuous delivery, visualization, and small batches. It provides better visibility of the work being done, supports agile practices, and facilitates continuous improvement. Kanban is a signal-driven approach, where work is pulled by the downstream process, ensuring that the team always has what it needs to continue.

Advantages of Kanban

  • Better team focus: Kanban methodology encourages teams to focus on completing small, urgent tasks, rather than adding an endless list of features.
  • Continuous improvements: Kanban allows for continuous improvement through the use of analytics, and better visualization of workflows, leading to an increased understanding of work processes and bottlenecks.
  • High flexibility: Kanban is highly customizable and can be adapted to fit a team's needs, making it an excellent methodology for those who prefer more flexibility.

Disadvantages of Kanban

  • The lack of a pre-defined framework: The lack of a pre-defined framework can lead to confusion and lack of direction.
  • Limited Process Improvement: Kanban relies heavily on gathering data and adjustments to processes as opposed to a more structured improvement plan.
  • Dependency on team members - Kanban depends on team members' ability to operate within a pull-based environment, which may not be suitable for everyone.

Which Agile Methodology Should You Use?

Choosing the right methodology for your project requires understanding your team's strengths, the nature of your project, and your project goals. Scrum is ideal for complex projects with larger teams, XP is perfect for software engineering projects, while Kanban is best for teams that need more flexibility.

Ultimately, the success of any Agile methodology relies on regular communication, collaboration among team members, and continuous improvement.


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